If I get the rest finished before the auction, I'll include them as a choice too how I made them is in the other site
(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 21:56,
Super skills!
Lovely stuff, Clayton, dear boy!
(tatersBah weep grahnah weep ninibong, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:00,
ah cheers
I feel like I've given birth after 1 years bloody pregnancy
(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:04,
Only to sell them with no monetary reward for your hard work!
you are a far more generous man than i...
(tatersBah weep grahnah weep ninibong, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:05,
I think I
better make it clear only 2 are for the auction (Twit and a lass of choice). And to go to the same bidder so I save on postage. So i'm still a tight arse
(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:11,
Very very good! love them all. What did you use to make them with?
*maybe a stupid question
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:03,
plasticine and scupltey mix for teh sculpts and then I latex them to make molds and make the plaster casts to knock a few off
(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:05,
Then after you knock a few off do you cast them?
:D They are great!
(skeltonatorNeeds some new daps., Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:07,
How thoroughly ace of you Clay
They look ace
(JahledThree shades of black, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:11,
(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:37,
They look great
Very generous of you as well.
(HardfarterFollowing through since 1978, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:14,
but not that generous, I better stress it is only 2 Im sending
(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:38,
This is so brilliant!
And then the cyclops. That just puts it over the edge. A broad context of insane goodness.
(cowcatBituminous squeegee, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:28,
I thought I better stick him in
I only ever had one request for a painting print, and it was the one with him in
(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:39,
Fantastic work, Clay.
I know I requested a print....would that still be possible, please?
Your work really is top-notch...
(Jabberwocmisses D.R. and Quinch, Wed 29 Feb 2012, 10:46,
Hah - just noticed TWIT is holding one of your Deri Air mixes :)
(erm, right?)
(Pig Bodine., Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:30,
well spotted sir
a free flight upgrade for Pig Bodine
(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:36,
Martini extra dry please stewardess *pats bottom*
(Pig Bodine., Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:42,
That's an entire world full of awesome
(wheresthefishPartly filled with wrong, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:39,
cheers fella
sacrifices where made (mainly to the other halfs hair extensions)
(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:51,
As long as she was asleep at the time it's all good.
(wheresthefishPartly filled with wrong, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 23:00,
So you do Claymation?
(BrokenCoccyxdoesn't mind if you grope on, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:50,
I mainly create a load of mess
and wreck the living room table
(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:54,
Bit bloody woo that
(Throat And Ice PieI see dem tatties dere., Tue 28 Feb 2012, 22:55,
a badge for the clicks
(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 23:02,
Jaw Dropping.
I wish i was rich (as in had any money what so ever) :(
very lovely job and very inspiring. BRAVO! CLICK! ETCETERA!
(DreddPirateBobhas watched every scifi film ever on, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 23:26,
ah cheers
and a badge for the clicks
and on that note I'm taking the next flight to Snooze city, Bedsville
(Clayhopes this bit is long enough to promote my websi, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 23:32,
Those are all sorts of wow.
(UltimateMonkeyBan this sick filth!, Tue 28 Feb 2012, 23:49,
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