I've been manhandling vegetables...I made this!
For a while now i've wondered, what other vegetables are suitable for carving into jack o lanterns? well...i went and found out. Edit:Newslettered? thanks muchly
(Meanderthalhas neon grey eyes, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 19:53,
Informative and entertaining
Well done.
(MetalfishHasn't had a sig since, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 20:10,
You spent time on this.
(Monty Propps, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 20:12,
I like the red pepper
I might make a multi coloured pepper set
(t0riahas forgotten how this all works, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 20:19,
nice idea
i shall prepare this for the party i am having on sat
(willeniumFist bump for verification, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 20:22,
I bet you sneer at trick or treaters
Or pull them up on their legal standing...
(Monty Propps, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 20:23,
Last year was the first halloween in our house
so I bought loads of bags of sweets and chocolate for the hundreds of kids I was expecing.
None came, so I ate all the sweets myself :)
(t0riahas forgotten how this all works, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 20:27,
I cook liver and offer them that.
Better than an orange and a piece of coal.
(Monty Propps, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 20:43,
i just throw
water ballons at them. happy b3ta for yesterday!! mine is in 3 days... hows things/
(Captain PilchardThe king of B-movies!, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 21:55,
i hide fireworks in candy
then it doens't matter what answer i give them when they ask trick or treat.
(KittyWastelives at Sleepingplanet.com, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 6:22,
I wholeheartedly approve of this message
(@RBFesquireGood luck b3ta, was nice knowing you. So long., Wed 29 Oct 2008, 20:50,
This makes me feel good about the world.
Thanks for that! :D
(Supergyrations, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 20:35,
I fucking LOVE the pineapple!
(DerpasaurusDOG FARTS, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 20:39,
This is fantastic.
I have never carved any fruit or veg, but am now thoroughly inspired to start.
(kikilookeylikey, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 21:10,
I bet your house stank of slightly cooked veg
I remain Sir, your loving admirer x
(rjmrjm, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 21:12,
That was great and funny
Im sure we used turnips when I was a boy - Pumpkins hadn't been invented yet
(kfkI get all my everything right here, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 21:29,
I think the pumpkin thing started...
... Because pumpkins were more available in 'merka land rather than turnips so they used them. It just spread over here.
(vix0rwas not Matthew on, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 21:38,
i was an avid fan of the peanuts comic strip in my youth, which was full of pumpkin/trick or treat japery. This, to me, is proof of the adage that merkin culture filters through to the uk in about 10 years
(kfkI get all my everything right here, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 21:46,
This is fucking awesome
I'm a bit tipsy so it had me sniggering like a loon
(morrybytemade a subtle namechange at, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 21:59,
i salute you
fine, fine work!
(rollthetrollel presidente, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:00,
is rather marvelous! Have a well earned *click*
(uk_viperstopped lurking on, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 23:00,
That was fantastic!
My favorite was the glowing red pepper.
I'm feeling the need to carve something now.
(flirting with badgersWhat? It sounded good at the time., Thu 30 Oct 2008, 0:59,
Aubergine ftw!
Excellent documentary. A++, would use again! ;)
(grey kidis breakdancing to save a community centre, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 2:02,
are my new hero. You deserve to win life the universe and everything.
Also, the pineapple has a voodoo look about him.
(warmfuzziesIsn't here, Thu 30 Oct 2008, 3:00,