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This is a link post Proof that my gender is insane...
....a chocolate inhaler.

That's an inhaler....for the purpose of inhaling chocolate powder.

Allegedly it's so you don't eat a family sized bar but sweet zombie jeebus.

If you use this in the street you are guaranteed to look like Zammo.
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:34, , Reply)
This is a normal post
that would just make me hungrier
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:40, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'd give it a go.
At the moment I am drinking gallons of sugar free, low fat hot chocolate (despite it being a million degrees outside) to stop me wanting to eat any actualy chocolate. Needless to say its not working well.

Dieting sucks. So far today I have had a turkey sandwich, a huge bowl of salad, an apple, a satsuma, a nectarine, a big of snackajacks (vom) and a go ahead bar. And some toast. And I'm still hungry :(

ED: Hence my sig.
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:46, , Reply)
This is a normal post ooh toria - I feel your pain.
Did you watch that thing on Beeb 1 last week about the ten things you need to do to lose weight? It was pretty interesting - have a nosey on Iplayer. Apparently soup and protein is the future.

Skinny Cow hot chocolate is ok by the way....still basically brown water but better than highlights or options. chocolate mini milks are only 35 odd calories too..and nummy :-D

Edit - ooh, and Trident does a chocolate mint sugarfree gum now too. Tastes kind of like After Eights.
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:53, , Reply)
This is a normal post Mini milks are awesome
I always shove some in the trolly despite my kids not liking them.
Mr Sp@m always thinks they are for them hahaha.

And Toria I agree. I'm down 2 stone now.
Today I have had ......
A banana, a cup of tea and few glasses of water.

I've been to busy to eat.
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:56, , Reply)
This is a normal post 2 stone!
nice one :-)
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 15:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post I'm going on holiday next week
so wanted to lose a stone. Its not working, I think I might have to chop my arm off or something.

I've even cut down on WINE!
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 15:00, , Reply)
This is a normal post Get rid of the cider!

(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 15:01, , Reply)
This is a normal post That's my new strategy.
a dry June.....got my best mate's birthday in Cardiff on Saturday too.
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 15:03, , Reply)
This is a normal post I had 4 pints of stongbow yesterday :(
I have just cracked and sent one of my colleagues on a chocolate run.

(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 15:04, , Reply)
This is a normal post if it gets too tough then Primark do really good
magic knickers - dirt cheap and they suck everything in.
They do full body ones too - a bit hot though so a bit of a last resort!
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 15:06, , Reply)
This is a normal post There's a chocolate mint herb
it tastes of chocolate mint, but as a herb it must count as a salad...
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 17:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post No, no, nono no no NONONO!
You're doing it all wrong! You have to split it up between Protein, Carbs and Fibre. You have to have them in a ratio of eleventy/3/a pair of shoes and eat 6 meals a day, unless it's a Thursday when you have to have half a meal instead of the 5th, unless you had a quarter for your pre-breakfast. Any idiot knows that!

Drink nearly only water, have soup more often, stay away from sucrose and more meat, less carbs (especially in the evening. Oh, and get on yer bike!
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 15:30, , Reply)
This is a normal post we got all oestrogen-y on /links arse there didn't we :-P
won't happen again...unless the subject of Edward Cullen or Hugh Jackman is brought up.
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 15:49, , Reply)
This is a normal post pretty bloody strange
what i don't get is that you would have to cough up chocolatey phlegm to actually enjoy it?
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 14:52, , Reply)
This is a normal post I heard about an autopsy where they found a man's lung to be packed full of snuff.
wonder if the same thing could happen with cocoa powder?
(, Mon 1 Jun 2009, 17:56, , Reply)