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This is a question Broken Promises

Thebigfella tugs our coat and says: Are you a LibDem minister, a cheating partner, or maybe you have an annoying friend you can't be bothered with? Tell us of promises you've broken, or if you've been on the receiving end.

(, Thu 2 Dec 2010, 12:40)
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A poem
Down the neural pathways
In the black hole of the mix
Where wild endorphins copulate
"There'll be no politics

No greed, no war, no hunger
Only general ecstasy" -
The rhetoric has hardly changed
Since your dad took LSD...

Not by me - in fact I'd love to know who wrote it (and find out how the rest goes). Anyone know? Could be Roger McGough, perhaps?
(, Mon 6 Dec 2010, 11:26, 2 replies)
Bill w
Wow! Last place I expected to see the 12 "promises"

Been there, did it for 7 years. What a disappointment. After 7 years I couldn't stand that the real promise was that you'd be the last man standing Ina sea of dysfunctional numptys all avoiding their abuse and mental health issues. I could comprehend the word mindgames and the word getthefuckouttahere !!

Got professional help and now even drink moderately.

Promises schmomises !!

Did u know bill w was on hallucinogenic drugs when he had his spiritual awakening ? And now "millions of people" have recovered following his lead!?!?

Cult, numpties, massiveDrugzleader

Die AA die !!!!
(, Tue 7 Dec 2010, 0:03, closed)
Of course he was hallucinating he was withdrawing and pumped up with God knows what in Towns Hospital
Dr Bob wasn't though ;-) Keep it simple.

7 years later AA isn't about meetings, it's about helping another alcoholic - the trouble is that doesn't work if you take up moderate drinking.
(, Wed 8 Dec 2010, 16:28, closed)
Ooooohhhh, I wrote a poem about pills as well.
I said 'Nice one, sorted, pukka, sound, I'll do you a pill for fifteen pound.'
I said 'Nice one, sorted, pukka, sound, pop this baby you'll be of the ground.'
I said 'Nice one, sorted, pukka, chill, can you sort me out with another pill?'
'cause if you want it; I've got it, and I'm always around.
I'll do you an ounce for fifty pound.
I went to a rave, got out of my face.
I did ketamine, it was fucking ace.
Fuck me man, you're really hardcore.
I can tell from here, you know the score.

*hangs head in shame, and gets coat*
(, Tue 7 Dec 2010, 13:31, closed)

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