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This is a question My Biggest Disappointment

Often the things we look forward to the most turn out to be a huge let down. As Freddy Woo puts it, "High heels in bed? No fun at all. Porn has a lot to answer for."

Well, Freddy, you are supposed to get someone else to wear them.

What's disappointed you lot?
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(, Thu 26 Jun 2008, 14:15)
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Glastonbury lineup this year
Didnt even apply for a ticket for the first time in 15 years. Emily Eavis has fucking ruined what was the scene of most of the greatest weekends of my life. I am watching the "high"lights at home with a beer and its the first year I have watched it and not wished I was there. What an utter-utter shite line up. What the fuck is Kate Gash doing there? Estelle? Eh? The Feeling? Jesus Cunting Christ. And Edith Pig-Jaw Bomman, yeah amazing, they were amazing, Jay-Z will be amazing tomorrow. Its amazing here. SHUT THE FUCK UP. YOU. CUNT.
God im making myself angry. Will Young is playing. I'll say that again WILL FUCKING YOUNG. Emily Eavis you have dry-raped the arse of the greatest festival ever......
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 21:58, 14 replies)
I didn't bother applying for tickets either
Second time in 15 years. It's just a fucking big mess there now.

"Emily Eavis you have dry-raped the arse of the greatest festival ever......"

Perfect summation
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 22:03, closed)
Did you go last year? It was awful. To sum up-
No crustys battered by the Cider Bus.
Everyone in bed by 12.
No people selling skunk-bud-fudge.
Fold up chairs. Everywhere.
Picnic baskets. WTF?
Wine is supposed to be drunk by the bottle. Not in a glass.
One hour to move between stages. Eh? That used to take 10 minutes.
Wheres all the people selling acid/mushies?
Approximately two bands a day worth watching.
Has someone stole the atmosphere? It was here last year????
This was supposed to be messy. Now its boring. When did that happen?

Sorry for the rant. I feel like im getting old, but glastonbury used to be special. When most people didnt know about it. It wasnt on TV, or even most radio shows. You could get tickets in your local music shop, up until the day before. I blaim the fucking BBC.
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 22:17, closed)
No, I missed it last year
Thank god from the sounds of it, although I was gutted I missed the Killers as I love them dearly. A friend of mine called me when "When you were young was played" and I might have cried a little bit.

In the last five years I've seen a massive rise in families, emos, chavs and wanky fuckers who are just there to say they've been to Glastonbury (only they call it Glasto cos they're tossers) and I can't fucking stand them.

Last went to Reading in 2002 to see Jon Spencer Blues explosion play for 45 minutes and then fucked off again once they'd finished as I couldn't bear to be around the scummers that were there.

Put me in a field with crusties/hippies/people who are fun to be around and I'm a ray of sunshine, relaxed and nice to be around. Put me in a field of those fuckers and I want to get stabby.

Best avoided for all concerned really.
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 22:24, closed)
I got called a twat
last year because I wouldnt help a guy struggling to push his fuck-trophy in a pram through a foot of mud. I used to love reading too, but these days it sells out in hours. RATM are playing this year and i didnt get tickets. Boo. I have been to hundreds of festivals, but nothing beats glastonbury ten years ago, when you didnt need a ticket (though I always bought one). The atmosphere was amazing. Watching the so called highlights tonight I think a part of me died.
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 22:31, closed)
I too am watching the coverage on the BBC
Well, I was up until about 30 seconds ago when I just gave up all hope... I could easily have hurled the remote towards the TV at that there Estelle woman who seemed quite happy to murder her recent (half-decent) American Boy track...

I've never been to Glastonbury and probably never will, but I have beautiful memories from years ago of sitting in my student halls and watching Orbital play and thinking "how amazing, I hope I never get tired of this" - well I never really got the chance to get tired of it; each year it seemed to lose something, slowly, a soupçon each time, but gradually, as I watched each year, I was left feeling more and more disappointed and this year is no different.


*rumages around for the Brown album*

FFS - Jay-Z is on Jonathan Ross now - is there no fuckin' escape? Meh. Ms. Church is also on; at least she's easy on the eye, if not the ears.
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 22:43, closed)
I watched
Orbital there a few years ago and it was, in the (only) words of Edith Bowman, amazing. Honestly, I almost think Nelson Mandela has a better line up for his birthday.
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 22:48, closed)
I can only imagine...

I was so moved, just by watching them on a small, shitty TV with a 2" speaker - it was them (and probably Underworld too) who cemented a life-long love affair, with music in general, but specifically anything electronica.

Get on down Mr. Mandela - you're the winner this year.
(, Fri 27 Jun 2008, 22:57, closed)

I rememeber going into HMV and buying my ticket for £88, I remember the excitement of carry all my belongings in one rucksack and a case of beer, wearing the same clothes for 5 days, crowd surfing, the atmosphere, the crowd. My first 'BOLLOCKS' spreading slowly across the campsite, rising like a tide, washing over me.

And now. A fucking fashion show for trendys, who want to say they've been, dropped off by daddy in his 'indicator removed' BMW, fancy wellys, a different outfit for every day, a trolly full of belongings and Emily Eavis putting on the shittest bands ever.

Emily/Michael: Wonder why it didn't sell out. Because the line up is the shittest it's been in then 10 years I've shown an interest. You fucking sell outs. Fuck you and your ever increasing profits.

This rant was sponsered by Stella.
(, Sat 28 Jun 2008, 1:22, closed)

And now having looked at the full line up i feel fully justified in saying how wank it really is. Friday night is the only day where there are more than 5 bands I'd like to see.

The saving grace: The Family Mahone. Mark Radcliffe is a broadcasting legend and fully deserves to be back on Radio 1 ahead of the absolute bull crap that is Nihal, Scott 'oh I'm so camp, look at me' Mills and whatever else shit passes as Radio 1 these days.

I feel on a roll here...
(, Sat 28 Jun 2008, 1:35, closed)
I agree, Mark Radcliffe is a legend. Have you heard Nihals show? Jesus wept.
(, Sat 28 Jun 2008, 12:06, closed)
@ Dumbmonkey
I have heard it, I think it made my ears bleed while it woke me this morning.

If there was a God, surely he's smite Nihal from existance...
(, Sat 28 Jun 2008, 19:40, closed)
I've never been to Glastonbury
But the thought of Jay Zed or whatever the bell end's name is and Will cocking Young playing in front of families makes me not want to go even more.

BTW, what is some pillock doing with a baby in a pram at Glastonbury? He'll be making everyone else's lives a misery, not to mention the fact that the baby won't exactly be bopping in his/her pram either.

Some people are selfish/stupid beyond words.
(, Sun 29 Jun 2008, 11:41, closed)
line up has never really bothered me
Long time lurker, first time writer.

This is the first year in a decade that i've not been to glastonbury (cnuts who call it Glasto really piss me off). The line up had nothing to do with it, I just had had enough of the mud and Micheal Eavis telling the press it was people my ages' fault that the festival wasn't as fun as it used to be.

However, here I am at 11 O'clock on sunday night. Do I have a smug "that showed you Eavis" look on my face? Nope. I'm sat at home having done fuck all interesting or exciting and thinking that maybe cutting my nose off to spite my face wasn't the best of ideas.

Fair to say that this weekend has been one of my biggest disappointments. Roll on secret garden party.

(, Sun 29 Jun 2008, 23:04, closed)
Lineup my arse
That's why Glastonbury is no longer a festival - just a 3-day gig like Reading.

I last went in '90 - when there was still a travellers' field where you could watch Hawkwind at 6am and not deal with a bunch of student benders in wacky wellies all going to the cashpoint (what???) before going to see some tossers on the Cunt Stage.

The Treworgey Tree Fayre was the best I ever attended (apart from perhaps the Magic Mushroom Festival in Wales - no music, just a light show). The music should be incidental - otherwise you're basically at an outdoor gig.

*is and old and wizened hippie*
(, Tue 1 Jul 2008, 16:18, closed)

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