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This is a question Heckles

Forget the drunk bloke at the back yelling incoherent nonsense. Sometimes a well placed heckle can raise a mediocre act to a brilliant night out.
Tell us your best heckles and, if you are brave, the retorts that put you back in your place like the maggot you are.

(, Thu 6 Apr 2006, 13:13)
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Up the Brewers!
I support Burton Albion, you may have seen us play Man Utd earlier this year. Anyway my story is from a few seasons ago and our short and "well built" centre forward Christian Moore was going through a lean spell goal-wise. Struggling not only with his game but also a few shouts from the home crowd, he finally lost his cool and shouted something like "Why not get behind me, instead of being on my back", so I yelled "Well score a fucking goal then." He was able to give me a dirty stare as their was only a few hundred of us behind the goal.

A few minutes later he popped up out of nowhere and stuck it in. Cue massive celebrations from the Burton faithful and cue Christian walking to the touch line, looking me straight in the eye and telling me to Fuck Off.


"Christian Moore, Christian Moore, Christian Christian Moore, He gets the ball, he scores a goal, Christian Christian Moore."

Perhaps we could have a QOTW for really crap football chants that try their very best not to rhyme?
(, Sat 8 Apr 2006, 22:22, Reply)

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