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SUBTHREAD SUBTHREAD SUBTHREAD, I know @RichardMcBeef has my back on this
I'm going to cook a load Chilli tonight, and I need tips'n'recpies.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:40, 12 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
Jamie Oliver is a dick
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:41, Reply)
make a veggie chilli
lots of beans and smoked paprika and roasted butternut squash.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:42, Reply)
I love smoked paprika

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:45, Reply)

ed paprika ing the pink oboe
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:53, Reply)
I play a mean tune

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:54, Reply)
With a jaunty smile

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:59, Reply)
Hmm, I might be in on the Butternut Squash if I can get some maybe pre-cut so I don't need to use a whole one

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:46, Reply)
Just roast a whole one then scoop chunks in

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:52, Reply)
i wouldn't put squash in a meat chilli
but if you go for a veggie bean chilli, it's the shit
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:16, Reply)
Cook it for as long as you can on low
Eat tomorrow

McBeef will mention black treacle and I also recommend a bit of dark chocolate
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:42, Reply)
Sour cream, sliced spring onions and red chilli over the top for extra NOM
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:43, Reply)
Sour cream and spring onion afters, check

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:48, Reply)
Treacle + black chocolate - yup, I'm in on that. CHECK

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:47, Reply)

treacle cock
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:56, Reply)
BAke some wraps with butter then sprinkle with coriander and like juice for nommy "chips"

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:36, Reply)
Sweetcorn gives it the crunch.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:47, Reply)
make enough for twelve and then throw the rest away and then complain that it's too expensive to cook for only one person

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:47, Reply)
I want this one to give me lots of stuff this time for a few days worth of eating

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:48, Reply)
Your poor toilet. Hope you stocked up on the wet wipes.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:50, Reply)
You know what, I really worry what other people go through when it comes to the shitter.
Everyone tells me how bad their shits are if they eat this or that, it's always far worst than mine.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:40, Reply)
put jam in it and sprinkle cheese and onion crisps on top

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:48, Reply)
was gonna forget the emmingtile, I'll have soem

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:48, Reply)
Cheese on chilli is also good

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:50, Reply)
What meat are you using? Try something different from beef mince, such ad pork.
Seafood is good too, misture of whitefish, tuna and prawns.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 16:59, Reply)
pork and duck are good additions
seafood sounds as stupid as fucking squash

no offence like
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:00, Reply)
I think I would try a seafood chilli.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:06, Reply)
The old fucker knows nowt m8.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:12, Reply)
even his own pancreas wishes he was dead
he should try feeding it some tasty squash once in a while
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:15, Reply)
Jenny has been in the nest box all day apparently, looks as if we're possibly going to be grandparents :)

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:19, Reply)
zomg baby birdies
sooooooooo cute
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:19, Reply)
They are ugly as fuck newly hatched.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:21, Reply)
they look like revolting prawns for a couple of weeks.

but then squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:22, Reply)
Apparently Jimmy is frustrated, he's shouty and throwing their toys around.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:31, Reply)
he knows the difference between chili and fish stew

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:16, Reply)

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:15, Reply)
I had some bacon lardons so i'm using them up, then half a packet of Lamb mince and half a packet of Beef mince
'cus they were on special offer.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:43, Reply)
Turn it upside over a bowl, wait for it to congeal into a solid mass, then turn it right way up and post a photo of the resulting abortion on Facebook just in time for my lunch.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:06, Reply)
don't diss the cheese sandwich explosions!

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:13, Reply)
Add some dark chocolate.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:14, Reply)
i've heard this, but i've never been convinced

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:16, Reply)
Have you tried it?

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:17, Reply)
i don't think i've ever seen it recommended for a veggie chilli.

the thought of it makes my nose wrinkle, but i know lots of people swear by it.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:18, Reply)
Probably won't work with a veggie chilli.
It might, but I doubt it.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:24, Reply)
It's a Jelly Baby for vegetarian chilli.
A yellow one, for preference. Everybody knows this.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:25, Reply)
You should use red jelly babies if you want your chilli to be hotter.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:31, Reply)
les vrais connaisseurs use tangfastics

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:33, Reply)
aren't jelly babies made from pork gelatine?

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:34, Reply)
Yellow ones are made from Chinese ophans.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:39, Reply)
Cool, I picked some up with the treakle, how much?

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:39, Reply)
two or three creme eggs per kilo of meat

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:42, Reply)
Cook it.
Then eat a salad, having flushed the chilli straight down the crapper.

For extra authenticity, takes several hours flicking bits of chilli around the rim of the toilet, with particular focus on those hard to reach places.
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:16, Reply)
OK, the dead is done, it's just on the hob on the lowest setting now, it has
- 2 onions
- 2 smoked Chipotle
- 1 smoked SomeChiliBeginingWithC
- Pork Lardons, Lamb, Beef
- A tin of chopped tomartos
- A tin of "Three bean" bean mix, 'cus thats what I had in and wanted to use them up
- a half a jar of chargrilled red peppers
- A big dollop of treacle
- half a bar of 85% chocolate.
- Pappreeka
(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:58, Reply)
Naturally I browed off the meat, then the onions, and all that.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 17:58, Reply)
Unless it was a small bar of chocolate, you've put in too much.

(, Mon 3 Nov 2014, 18:42, Reply)

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