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This is a question Little things that turn you on

What are the odd little things that turn you on? OK, so nudity (or a pulse) does it for most people, but everyone's got their own quirks. Tell B3ta about it. It's all the for the best, you know.

(, Thu 17 Feb 2005, 15:16)
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mmm... sexy
Brian Molko from Placebo turns me on. He's got this sexy charisma thing happening, and even makes smoking look sexy. The strange hairstyles and homosexual skin-tight shirts showing muscle definition turn me on.

My bosses also turn me on. One is the sexy older man with stricking good looks, soft but well spoken and you just know he'd be a fantastic root because he seems to be the quiet type, and we ALL know the quiet types are the most kinky

my other boss turns me on with his mansmell and how he always brushes against me and has surprisingly soft skin for a man. He also has a large bulge which is only sure to grow once aroused. The fact that he gets pissed off easily also indicates to me that he'd be a good fuck..

god damn i need some now
(, Sat 19 Feb 2005, 5:02, Reply)

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