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This is a question "You're doing it wrong"

Chthonic confesses: "Only last year did I discover why the lids of things in tubes have a recessed pointy bit built into them." Tell us about the facepalm moment when you realised you were doing something wrong.

(, Thu 15 Jul 2010, 13:23)
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Good manners and the virgin
Vagabond in Page 1 reminded me...

A long long time ago in a country far far away... A pal from school and was most certainly a virgin (as most of us were then) pulled a girl at the local disco...
Being a gentleman, he offered to escort her home.
During the course of their meanderings they found themselves in the churchyard far from the road and accidental passers by.
Much tongue wrestling and fumbling eventually led him to her most intimate of regions whilst she had a firm grasp of his situation (if you know what I mean).
Her panties were discarded in nearby shrubbery (I avoided using bush) and his had joined his trousers at his ankles.
In effect, and to use the colloquial expression, he said later 'she was gagging for it'.
Now, being a gentleman, he thought it proper to obtain her permission before entering her sanctum.
He asked "Can I?"
She looked at him with a cold and distainful eye as she realised that here was a boy who had never before enjoyed carnal pleasures with a member of the opposite and that was not what she wanted... she wanted experience and someone who knew which buttons to press.
She slowly replied... "Yes.. Yes, you can take me home"

An opportunity lost and he remained a virgin for some time after that.
(, Thu 15 Jul 2010, 16:17, 1 reply)
If only he'd asked "May I?"
(, Fri 16 Jul 2010, 21:25, closed)

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