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Final thread of the night
From me, anyways. Everyone has an ex who has very bad personal habits. My ex fiancee only showered every 3 days and as a result had impacted toilet tissue in her labia. And she wanted me to go down on her?? Sod that. Can you top that then?
jim_bob can herd cats., Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:18,
yes, my girlfriends have all been real
Gilgamesh gazed in wonder as Frampton came alive, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:19,
I didn't say girlfriend
I said fiancee. Slight difference.
jim_bob can herd cats., Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:19,
I didn't think the Thai Brides could fuck you off.
Druid, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:21,
Harsh as that was
You made me giggle. You bastard.
jim_bob can herd cats., Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:23,
so you pretended your pretend girlfriend was going to pretend to marry you?
wow, that is fucked up
Gilgamesh gazed in wonder as Frampton came alive, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:22,
there are somethings
I really am happy never knowing.
jenpots, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:19,
My boyfriend (he was my ex until a short while ago) has a Bournemouth AFC tattoo of their badge and name.
I HATE it.
LimeyTreat Bitch. Lover. Child. Mother. Sinner. Saint., Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:19,
Tattoos are shit.
Esme Weatherwax I swear on my tash it's daycent hash, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:20,
MONO!, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:21,
now I'm curious, what tattoos do you have?
jenpots, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:22,
Only the one.
On my leg.
I want more though.
and I want to be pierced again.
oh and the tattoo says "fear no evil" in Kanji
MONO!, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:25,
what piercings do you already have?
jenpots, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:27,
I used to have my lip pierced at the side.
Before EVERYONE seemed to have got the same too.
I was annoyed I had to take it out for a job :(
MONO!, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:28,
Druid, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:28,
MONO!, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:30,
Tattoos are OK if they're good quality. Piercings are
my pet hate.
Druid, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:22,
^This hard.
ClanSoul, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:22,
Nipples are great, why spoil them by putting a shit
metal rod in them?
Druid, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:24,
I love my lip piercing, but I never wear earrings anymore, they make me look like I have a metal triangle going on.
LimeyTreat Bitch. Lover. Child. Mother. Sinner. Saint., Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:23,
It'd be like shagging the tri-force
Sonny Von Bastyrd I think I'll have myself a beer, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:24,
I'm gonna get a tattoo
and my nose pierced, so there.
jenpots, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:23,
Noses and ears I'm OK with,
it's nipples and ladybits I don't like.
Druid, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:25,
Tattoos are ace, his 19 year old self was shit.
LimeyTreat Bitch. Lover. Child. Mother. Sinner. Saint., Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:22,
Oh dear.
Not only a pointless tattoo, but a crap team.
Gizmo.mp3 does not exist, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:20,
I know, we have regular fights about it, I think it's ok not to support your local team, which is why I support
Arsenal, he thinks you have to support the team that pkays geographically closest to where you live or some such shit so supports Bournemouth.
LimeyTreat Bitch. Lover. Child. Mother. Sinner. Saint., Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:24,
Slice it off when he's sleeping.
He'll love that you're doing things for your relationship.
Noit happy baby orangutan, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:21,
He'd cut my hair while I'm sleepuing to get back at me..
..he hates my fringe, it's a fally into eyes one.
LimeyTreat Bitch. Lover. Child. Mother. Sinner. Saint., Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:26,
Of all the heinous crimes he could commit...
ClanSoul, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:22,
There was one girl I got with at a party about a year ago.
Even through the cloud of drunk I could see it was a bad idea. She kissed like a horse eating an apple and her breath smelt VERY odd.
And her pubes protruded from either side of her knickers like a panty moustache, which put me off enough to call the whole endeavour to an end. She followed me for weeks afterwards.
Noit happy baby orangutan, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:20,
It's a good job I don't get drunk anymore. I might just end up waking next to the nightmare you just described.
jim_bob can herd cats., Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:22,
My ex would wear the same underwear for at least a week, and not change socks either. I don't think he ever used the shower in about a year, got out of bed 5 min. before having to leave for work, getting dressed, going into the bathroom only to wash his face and throw some water over his hear and wear the same filthy looking baseball cap.
And my parents and sisters wonder why on earth I left him...
Tyronne Get To Falkirk, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:21,
This and a couple of the above
amaze me.
Gizmo.mp3 does not exist, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:22,
You've been at mine & neglected to shower for 3 days.
ImNotRightBotheredMe fool, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:25,
jim_bob can herd cats., Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:26,
That paints a picture
I can't figure out his name though- the bloke who did the ITV digital adverts with the monkey. He sounds like a right minger though.
jim_bob can herd cats., Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:23,
Worst was this american girl
ewww...she had a tattoo of medusa on her left tit...scared the fuck out of me.
Tyronne Get To Falkirk, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:22,
Nothing that bad, no.
An ex of mine had holey grundies, another had skids in his forest green briefs, & also didn't like blow jobs. Not liking blow jobs is rather a hideous personal habit I'd say.
ImNotRightBotheredMe fool, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:23,
A man is not a man
If he does not like blow jobs. One of the most pleasant experiences on the planet.
jim_bob can herd cats., Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:24,
what a fucking mental
thats all I can say...not liking blow jobs indeed.
Tyronne Get To Falkirk, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:25,
How the fuck does he not like blow jobs?
Esme Weatherwax I swear on my tash it's daycent hash, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:27,
Druid, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:30,
i think i was the one with the bad personal habits, all in
i have naturally stinky feet, nervous fidgeting, i once blocked a girlfriends' parents' lavatory with my massive poo, wiped snot on her bed because i'd been picking my nose and didn't know what else to do with it... oh i don't know why i'm telling you this, i should have made something up about a fictional girlfriend who had a cheesy left breast or something
spacefish bong!, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:24,
Not showing any display of affection in public.
Not handholding, not a friendly hug, not even a kiss goodbye. ON THE CHEEK!
Reid got it going on like Donkey Kong, Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:25,
Has Cheymonster given you the brushoff again?
jim_bob can herd cats., Tue 31 Jul 2007, 23:28,