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# I'll do it.
Next time, probably August, I'll make sure the car boot isn't on. The whole field will be clear. Maybe we'll kill someone. That'd be brilliant!
EDIT: The mrs just reminded me of something I said last night when we launched the sky lanterns. 'It's up, this one's missed the tree, it's going sideways, oh shit it's heading towards the thatched cottages, oh ff.....'
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 23:24, archived)
# ha ha
first time ive done extreme sky lanterning i believe weve invented a new sport.
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 23:31, archived)
# I keep expecting
a knock at the door with a charred and smouldering bloke holding a burnt wire frame saying, "Is this yours?"
(, Sun 1 May 2011, 23:46, archived)