Ooo the solstice! The solstice! I'd forgotten it was the solstice!
Will you be playing a drum, smoking cannabis, and welcoming the dawn enlightening the world as the gods intended, in order to revitalise your communion with nature, or maybe just getting pissed and slagging off hippies?
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob,
Mon 20 Jun 2011, 9:11,
You're closer to the truth in your first list of potential activities.
But I will be getting mightily pissed as the day progresses.
Captain Howdy,
Mon 20 Jun 2011, 9:37,
All of the above'd be good, but unfortunately I'll only be able to do two or three of those.
Sea Tramp the thinking woman's 8 Ace,
Mon 20 Jun 2011, 10:33,