Wowee! I love it! Ta, meebs.
(btw, do you want me to draft you a letter to those arsehole publishers who were trying to get your superb work for next to nothing?)
Sea Tramp the thinking woman's 8 Ace,
Thu 8 Sep 2011, 20:24,
i would love to see that
i don't want to upset them too much though it still might go ahead
amoebaboy chose for death by unga bunga on,
Thu 8 Sep 2011, 20:26,
Well, I'll GAZ you something in a few minutes.
The aim being to thank 'em for their interest, but to state in no uncertain terms that you're not prepared to be royally fucked.
Sea Tramp the thinking woman's 8 Ace,
Thu 8 Sep 2011, 20:33,