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# the police were called out almost every night
he was only 17, but they knew him well. the council told him if he left willingly, they'd give him another flat but, if he was evicted, he'd never get another one. fucking idiot ignored them and waited to get evicted.
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:26, archived)
# No no no, you see, to him that was the only choice,
as all treu chavs have ONE thing in common IME, they absolutely MUST feel they are a victim of circumstances due to other people clipping their wings! As such, if he'd just gone elsewhere, he would have had no way of feeling duty bound to continue to be a complete arsehole for the rest of his life!

S'not his fault!!1!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:32, archived)
# hahaha!
(, Sat 17 Sep 2011, 16:35, archived)