I'm not an ignorant Daily Mail reader, just simply highlighting that there are a very high number of people in this country who claim benefits on the basis they are too sick to do any work at all.
I have made no comment on the validity of those claims, just pointed out that it has to be paid for.
Neither am I in a rage about it, but it does irritate me when people (especially MPs and the House of Lords) say we have to support a huge welfare state knowing full well that someone else is footing the bill.
It is very, very easy to be generous and compassionate when someone else is paying, and let's face it all governments do is spend our money, not theirs.
And to be precise, it is 31% of all taxes collected goes on welfare. Bigger than health and education combined.
I assume that you are happy to pay the highest taxes in Europe and suffer these cuts though, because you don't seem to want to change things.
By the way, if you check you'll probably find that your cuts are a consequence of local authorities pushing funding into pensions instead of front line services because our dumb government didn't ring fence their income. Public sector organisations are often run for the benefit of those working there, not the people they are meant to serve.
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Sat 14 Jan 2012, 8:55,
I have made no comment on the validity of those claims, just pointed out that it has to be paid for.
Neither am I in a rage about it, but it does irritate me when people (especially MPs and the House of Lords) say we have to support a huge welfare state knowing full well that someone else is footing the bill.
It is very, very easy to be generous and compassionate when someone else is paying, and let's face it all governments do is spend our money, not theirs.
And to be precise, it is 31% of all taxes collected goes on welfare. Bigger than health and education combined.
I assume that you are happy to pay the highest taxes in Europe and suffer these cuts though, because you don't seem to want to change things.
By the way, if you check you'll probably find that your cuts are a consequence of local authorities pushing funding into pensions instead of front line services because our dumb government didn't ring fence their income. Public sector organisations are often run for the benefit of those working there, not the people they are meant to serve.