I imagine it'd be with one of those tennis rackets an electrical current going through it.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 15:00,
i LOVE those things!
used to whap my ex across the arse with one for giggles
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 15:05,
They're a brilliant way to wake people up.
I shall have to replace mine, it's broken :(
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 15:06,
poundland still do them
i may get 2 for electric racket fights
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 15:07,
Excellent :D I wonder if they're as powerful as the one I had.
Really fucking stung, providing the batteries were good enough.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 15:13,
they make one hell of a crack
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 15:17,
I can imagine! I'll have to look for one next time I'm out.
I miss having an electrified tennis racket to twat people with.
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 15:31,
i've got a hand on a stick
for scratching my back with. best one euro i ever spent! great for getting the remote, swiping my lighter across the table and moving countless other things towards me when i can't be arsed moving
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 15:33,
I need something like that.
My auntie used to have a really long pole with a grabbing claw on the end. I could do with hunting one down, because I'm a lazy bastard. XD
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 16:00,
got mine in spain
hmm, time to go home, i think.
(Smash Monkeylowering the tone of the whole internet,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 16:14,
Alright :D Toodle-pip!
(Bourbon FoxBourbon is a moron,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 16:53,
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