Thanks for the link RWF!
I can spend hours on things like that...
Photoshop Bitch 2014 edition,
Tue 17 Jul 2012, 23:15,
Rotating Wobbly Fat?
Ham o' Shatner -.-- --- ..- .-. / .- .-.. .-.. / --. .- -.--,
Tue 17 Jul 2012, 23:18,
only when I hula-hoop
but then, yes. very much so.
Rotating Wobbly Hat That's not a banana. THIS is a banana.,
Tue 17 Jul 2012, 23:32,
Oops, sorry. I don't know where the F came from...
Photoshop Bitch 2014 edition,
Tue 17 Jul 2012, 23:54,