because I'm not prepared to jump on the hate bandwagon? Perhaps you have forgotten about the winter of discontent and the preceding disastrous labour governments? Three million unemployed sound like a Labour success story does it?
I haven't and I don't cherry pick what aspects of Thatcher to attack. Like I said, I'm no fan of hers and never was, but she did turn the UK around. She did stand up to Europe, she did defend the UK's interests and she did eventually put more people back to work and bring inflation down to very low levels. You can hardly blame her for what went before. If you thought that seemingly endless strikes were really what Britain needed then you were as much a part of the problem as the 'evil' Tories.
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Wed 10 Apr 2013, 4:42,
I haven't and I don't cherry pick what aspects of Thatcher to attack. Like I said, I'm no fan of hers and never was, but she did turn the UK around. She did stand up to Europe, she did defend the UK's interests and she did eventually put more people back to work and bring inflation down to very low levels. You can hardly blame her for what went before. If you thought that seemingly endless strikes were really what Britain needed then you were as much a part of the problem as the 'evil' Tories.