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# I think Brooker said it best
He looks like Nicolas Lyndhurst playing a french policeman
(, Mon 30 Nov 2015, 21:58, archived)
"The thing about Syria's president Assad is he's a sort of accidental despot.

He was training to be an opthomologist at the Western Eye hospital in London when his brother was killed in a car meaning he had to go home and inherit the family business of iron fisted bastardry.

It's basically a rags to wanker story. But despite being roundly condemned as horrible and ruthless, he's sort of awkward and gawky looking - the least physically terrifying villain since Count Duckula. In fact I can't quite work out which non-threatening thing he most looks like. He's a bit like Lord Percy from Blackadder or Nicholas Lyndhurst playing a French postman.

Sometimes he looks like he's played by Odo off the entertaining Deep Space 9"
(, Tue 1 Dec 2015, 10:56, archived)