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# Repeated Thunder, Thunder, Thunder, Thundercats ho! but no response
followed by Lion-o contacting friends and neighbours to see if they've seen the others, replies back offering banal re-assurance; 'have you put out food', ''they'll re-appear when you least expect it' and that one response of the 'traffic's quite busy round your way'
(, Fri 28 Jun, 0:42, , Reply)
# ask the neighbours to look in their sheds
(, Fri 28 Jun, 8:53, , Reply)
# He might have climbed into a car boot. He does that
(, Fri 28 Jun, 20:17, , Reply)
# No, not seen them.
*plants even more catnip*
*buys more chicken*
(, Sat 29 Jun, 23:15, , Reply)