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[challenge entry] Mark Curry Loves Cheese

From the Curry and Cheese challenge. See all 321 entries (closed)

(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:03, archived)
# Sorry mate
That's a red ex for.

Can anyone else see this?
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:08, archived)
# redex
here too
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:09, archived)
# and will whoever is being hosted
with MSN please make your picture public so it doesn't keep asking me to sign in?

(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:14, archived)
# ahhh
Could be this person!

He/she's using msn!

Anyway...How's you this time of night?
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:16, archived)
# pretty good
just been enjoying a game of cheese :)

I always lose, but that's ok
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:17, archived)
# I've never played it
for fear of addiction. I have enough trouble with the b3ta addiction in it's self!!! never mind games!
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:19, archived)
# I play games
a lot

mostly with b3tans...
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:20, archived)
# oh yeah? ;)

The only online game type things I've played are Yahoo pool, aol pool (you Americans play that pussy 9-ball stuff which is too easy) and isketch:)

Oh, and Half-life
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:22, archived)
# yeah
I think that we've played most of the games on yahoo since we started a couple of weeks back. plus this neat 3D pool thing and scrabble.

It keeps me away from the board for a bit though, as I can't multitask
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:26, archived)
# ooohhh scrabble
fuggin love that game. They used to have that game in flibz (along with conn3ct 4) but had to take it down as it was hogging so much bandwidth:(

I used to play it all the time with family too...but now, with only my mum that'll ever play. It gets a bit boring...
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:27, archived)
# give me a minute, and I'll find the link
you can play online, you know :)
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:28, archived)
# :)
I love scrabble...I'm crap at spelling...but I love scrabble lol
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:29, archived)
# here you go

the only thing I don't like is that it's e-mail based. It sends you an email every time it's your turn, to allow games to be played over longer times.

There's also not a chat function...
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:31, archived)
# hehehe
Trust me to get confused about which door to go in;)
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:36, archived)
# not always
a bad thing..
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:37, archived)
# nope:)
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:45, archived)
# no can see redex for me
:o( i've eaten an enourmous bag of kettle chips and am about to puke
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:10, archived)
# not here, please
you'll get the board dirty

sorry you're not feeling well
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:16, archived)
# Don't feel sorry for him!
It's his own fault!

Lets all laugh at him:)

Nah, not really...but you shouldn't have ate the whole lot you greedy pig!
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:18, archived)
# what
are kettle chips?
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:19, archived)
# they're like
overcooked over flavoured, fat bastard crisps
i bought a huge bag cos there's 2 other people here, and they both declined so i had to oblige and eat the lot
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:22, archived)
# ick
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:24, archived)
# hehehe
That's gotta be one of the best sounds ever...

ick...it sounds cool to so...it can be used in a suprised/discusted/confused way:)
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:26, archived)
# I say it a lot
probably too much
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:26, archived)
# I used to say eek
Which is like ick I supose...

Have you found yourself using b3ta language in real life before? That's a bastard! It's just a good job my mum's a b3tan too others wise no one would understand me:'(
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:28, archived)
# not so much with the b3ta terms
but recently i cant stop talking like a pirate YARRR which gets some funny looks
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:31, archived)
# yarrr
it be a funny life
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:32, archived)
# hahaha
I find myself saying 'yay' more often than I used to, and a few woo's

I've never said cuntymints or used hummus as a verb

(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:33, archived)
# I've used
huzzar, woo, yay, glasscock, bum-gay...

Infact, if I looked back ,I've probably used the lot at some point!
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:39, archived)
# hehe
I want to use hummus...I just have too much self restraint
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:41, archived)
I've heard my friends say it a few times just because I say it a lot...it's cool

"I couldn't be hummused"
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:45, archived)
# hehehe
I might say it around my friends, if I had any...
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:53, archived)
# *Opens arms for a big hug*
Poor thing
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:58, archived)
# aww thanks
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 5:00, archived)
# I was thinking maybe
You filled your kettle with cooking oil and put chips in it...just too lazy to get the fryer out!

But it seems to be the answer above:)
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:23, archived)
# Hmmm....
(, Mon 5 May 2003, 4:15, archived)