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# you know...
i actually thoguth it was just people visiting the zoo untill i read your comment-
its all in the mind isnt it?
(, Wed 14 May 2003, 15:36, archived)
# I think it's an earth zoo for wasps
look. the wasp is the only one looking at the others.
(, Wed 14 May 2003, 15:37, archived)
# very true
"earth zoo" though? are wasps aliens?
(, Wed 14 May 2003, 15:38, archived)
# maybe
all that hive mind stuff is a bit freaky
(, Wed 14 May 2003, 15:40, archived)
# hmmm
so aliens don't just come to earth to anally probe us; they come to die in our jam, too!
(, Wed 14 May 2003, 15:42, archived)
# on that note
(and I say its a D minor)
can wasps be people?
(, Wed 14 May 2003, 15:41, archived)
# and
can D minor be a note?
(, Wed 14 May 2003, 15:48, archived)
# Pesky Earth Creatures.
Tarmac over all zoos.
(, Wed 14 May 2003, 15:41, archived)