I've just arrived home from a club,
the sun is beginning to light the sky, the birds are singing, so obviously it's time for me to sleep. I think my bodyclock is on Tokyo time. Urk.
bob dinosaur,
Sat 17 May 2003, 4:37,
Interested in
tomorrow tonight at Cocomo? See the schedooler for details?
bob dinosaur,
Sat 17 May 2003, 4:40,
i doubt it
but then again, it's always possible.
Sat 17 May 2003, 4:42,
Ah bollocks to that
get yer arse down the pub! After all, it's kitten's birthday... (ok, it's on Sunday but we don't sweat the details...)
bob dinosaur,
Sat 17 May 2003, 4:44,