Well I've decided on one..
Im gonna write one about 'weird sweets' - some norweigan gave me some salted liquorice last night when I was pissed. It was fucking horrible.
Does anyone know anymore?
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 13:02,
Sour Herrings
German sweets...fish shaped...basically lemon juice, sugar and gellatine. Quite nice actually.
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 13:05,
Norwegians are a strange breed
I have a friend who, instead of smoking straight cigarettes or roll-ups, has these minute teabag style things of baccy, which he stuffs inbetween his upper lip and gum. When he grinned...yech.
the_other_jeff_lebowski Croutons on my tits,
Sat 1 Jun 2002, 13:11,