What's a Phage?
Isn't it some sort of rogue viral DNA thingy? You some sort of Biochemist?
man/child/goblin should be old enough to know better by now,
Fri 21 Dec 2001, 8:21,
Rogue DNA indeed ...
Its virus that infects bacteria. It is a free living organism, the simplest form of life known. And I love them to bits. (and yes I was once involved in nuturing them)
Fri 21 Dec 2001, 8:33,
Aah, yes...
Just read up on them (well, T2 Phages anyway) - They're a type of virus then? So not technically alive? Discuss. Or not...
man/child/goblin should be old enough to know better by now,
Fri 21 Dec 2001, 8:59,