It's bloody expensive to get an animal put down
could just put it in the freezer.
Thu 5 Jun 2003, 11:14,
Problem is I don't have a freezer
Only one of those small compartments at the top of the fridge... and it's full.
I'm not defrosting my fish fingers for any cat/dog!
mnb098mnb used to be here,
Thu 5 Jun 2003, 11:15,
did you notice
how they didn't fill the canals in after they became obscelete. Take a hint...
supermoore: HUNG,
Thu 5 Jun 2003, 11:17,
You could buy
a whole selection of pets and freeze them, and then defrost each one when you fancy playing with it. Wouldn't have to feed them or anything
Finite "Aardvark sorted out my shit!" on,
Thu 5 Jun 2003, 11:18,
why defrost them?
just put them on rollerskates.
supermoore: HUNG,
Thu 5 Jun 2003, 11:19,
If its a dog
just throw a stick off Beachy Head & shout "fetch"...
thirdman Ia! Ia! R'lyeh Cthulhu ftagn! Ia! Ia! Mglui nafl,
Thu 5 Jun 2003, 11:19,