i've never been up in a durex balloon
but i did go up in a beer can one once...
// confused - you will be
hal9000 sme,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 16:42,
what about
that big fucking kangaroo one? Stranger than a can of red stripe (was it? Or was it wifeb3ta)
witchy is covered in BEES,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 16:48,
i always wanted to have a ride on sonic the hedgehog
hal9000 sme,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 17:00,
Hot air balloons are crap!
No engines, no vrooooom! You can't pull any G's. Just boring old floaty bollocks.
No loop the loops, or smoke trails, or any of the things that make planes or helecopters good.
Lumpbucket tekcubpmuL,
Mon 10 Jun 2002, 17:07,