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someone already shopped it to have
'p.s. I am wanking as I write this' underneath... now edit that and put width='100' into the IMG tag...
JustHere4Coffee remembers when all o' this were car parks ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:19,
archived )
rymix ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:20,
archived )
width="100" where width="750" ?
Reckless_Rik ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:25,
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width="100" = totally unreadable width="750" = just about readable /me is so sensible (but lazy)
rymix ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:27,
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I have this horrible feeling you`ve missed the point...
Reckless_Rik ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:30,
archived )
it seems so
please explain
rymix ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:33,
archived )
t'was me
faster ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:26,
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Are you sure
you didn't write the original. That's some pretty nifty handwriting impression skills you have there
rymix ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:28,
archived )
i don't think it would stand up to detailed analysis - i just copied letters from other parts of the note and pasted them together. only took a few minutes.
faster ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:32,
archived )
that's, like
a billion times more effort than I could even imagine (sorry about the hyperbole...I use it all the time)
rymix ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:34,
archived )
it was dead easy. took no time at all.
faster ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:37,
archived )
that was just an arbitrary response in order to allow me to use a terrible joke about a linguistic function.
rymix ,
Sat 28 Jun 2003, 23:40,
archived )
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