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# help me please! (i'm new)
anyone knows how I could pst an image from my computer to the board???????????????? experts required :)
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:13, archived)
# U can't
You have to stick it on a website first, read the FAQ
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:15, archived)
# all together now...

just you wait
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:16, archived)
# go here m8


ADMINS would it be a good idea to have a linky to this on the messageboard?
I know its on when u post but most people miss it.
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:17, archived)
# goto www.ukdragon.com/b3ta
upload your image and in your message tpe < a href="www.ukdragon.com/b3ta/image.jpg" >
(, Wed 26 Jun 2002, 18:35, archived)