I really did try for 20 minutes to create an account where I could post pictures, but I gave up in frustration. This increases my respect for those of you who post pictures astronomically. No, not that you post pictures astronomically, that refers to my respect level. Geeze
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 6:57,

goto one of the sites listed in the FAQ or www.mutantwalrus.co.uk/b3ta upload the piccy, then post it using
<img src="http://www.imageurl.com/image.jpg">
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 6:59,
<img src="http://www.imageurl.com/image.jpg">

I tried again, and had a message come up that the file is too large. Hey, that's the closest I've come yet. I'm tired. It's after midnight here and I've been drinking since 2pm. I will try again another day. I'm going to call it a night.
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Fri 5 Sep 2003, 7:09,