But a song about it.
The Dead Hamster Song
Since there's barely any bandwidth there, infectedwill at hotmail dot com when it's run out if you wanna hear.
Oh- and I have a story. My brother had two goldfish- Sinbad and Steven. Sinbad he'd won at a fair, and Dad swore it would die that night. A family friend had an old tank, so in he went. He was joined by Steven a few months later from a pet shop. Steven died naturally by slowly rotting over several days while we tried to figure out if he was dead two years later, and he was ceromonially flushed. Sinbad however, continued to grow, but Mum got sick of cleaning it out and decided he had to go too, which was a pity cos he was about 3 or 4 and I felt deserved more time. I'd just gone veggie, so condemned it totally. She flushed him (after a few attempts) and was just carrying the still full tank downstairs for the last time when the bottom disintergrated and everything in there poured out over the new stair carpet. I just said that I'd dissaproved of it, but helped clean anyway. Never seen a clearer example of karma.
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Thu 16 Oct 2003, 19:20,
The Dead Hamster Song
Since there's barely any bandwidth there, infectedwill at hotmail dot com when it's run out if you wanna hear.
Oh- and I have a story. My brother had two goldfish- Sinbad and Steven. Sinbad he'd won at a fair, and Dad swore it would die that night. A family friend had an old tank, so in he went. He was joined by Steven a few months later from a pet shop. Steven died naturally by slowly rotting over several days while we tried to figure out if he was dead two years later, and he was ceromonially flushed. Sinbad however, continued to grow, but Mum got sick of cleaning it out and decided he had to go too, which was a pity cos he was about 3 or 4 and I felt deserved more time. I'd just gone veggie, so condemned it totally. She flushed him (after a few attempts) and was just carrying the still full tank downstairs for the last time when the bottom disintergrated and everything in there poured out over the new stair carpet. I just said that I'd dissaproved of it, but helped clean anyway. Never seen a clearer example of karma.