I have seven cats. Recently I got a kitten, a small fuzzy gingery one named Izzy. He does a lot of stupid things, like any other kitten, but I get the feeling he's a bit of a special case. I get a lovely, warm, mushy feeling from taunting him at night by tying his toy frog to a string and hang it just out of his reach all night. I hear a satisfying thump on the wall about once every 5 minutes for about 2 hours, and I normally find him in the morning sitting at the opposite side of the hallway, staring and mewing longingly at Mr. Froggles. And I like putting socks over my cats' heads too, but who doesn't? I'm planning to get an air bazooka or whatever it's called from the toy store when I get the money - it shoots harmless balls of air for pretty long distances. Just pull on the thing and the back, and poof! Instant entertainment :D
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Thu 16 Oct 2003, 22:10,

and fucking hell is it fun. i have one and i frequently annoy family and friends with it but the first time i got to play with one was best. i was in a shop, shooting this little kid with it and hiding so he didnt know who it was, every few seconds his hair would go whoosh and he would look furiously around the shop. the people behind the tills were laughing their arses off so i pointed it at them and blew a load of very nicely organised official looking papers off the desk. they came and took it away from me and made me leave the shop.
what was this board about again? oh yeah -
and then the cat exploded (hows that)
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Fri 17 Oct 2003, 12:14,
what was this board about again? oh yeah -
and then the cat exploded (hows that)