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# Dogs, Hamsters and flies
Three stories


Named Bella beautiful Old English Sheepdog. Me and my brother used to tease her quite a lot. One particular day I was playing in the garden with her with a garden cane. She gets the cane in the middle of her mouth, my brother calls her and she goes running into the kitchen. The door is about 4' wide the cane is about 8'. Three broken teeth.


Hammy (quite possibly the most common name for a hamster) used to live in his cage on top of the boiler in the utility room. It was about 3' high and just at the right temperature for hamsters according to the book I had. I went to clean him out one morning and he'd gone. The cat we had got blamed. Two days later my brother breaks a glass of milk in the kitchen, goes to get a mop and bucket to clean up. Starts mopping and a dead hamster falls out. The hamster had topped himself I reckon.


This was not done by me but by a bloke at work called Bob. He reccomends catching a bluebottle and pulling its wings off. Run a bath and lie in the bath with the top of your winky just floating about the surface. Place the bluebottle on your winky. The fly simply runs around in circles and you get a thrill. I think that wins a prize, mind you the evil cunt used to get mice and cut their legs off with scissors to see how long they lived.
(, Tue 21 Oct 2003, 13:20, archived)