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# Yes, I must have been about 7
My dad's next door neighbours (Amy and Charlie) were ancient and pottered about in their non gas or electric powered house. Well, one day I had been to visit my dad and was out in the garden messing about and playing on my bike/stilts/slide when I spotted Amy standing in the garden. I waved to her but she never responded, so I waved again...no response. It was only then that I noticed she was standing in the middle of the flowers in a flower bed, however being 7 I thought nothing of it. I tried waving again but still nothing so I went back inside and waited for my mum to come and pick me up. On the way home, I told my mum how rude Amy had been by not waving back, and it was then she told me that Amy had died 2 weeks earlier. It still spooks me to this day.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2003, 22:14, archived)
# Whoa...
playing on my bike/stilts/slide
Best toy ever!
(, Mon 27 Oct 2003, 23:25, archived)
# Blimey
Did she die planting some flowers or was she burried under the flowers? That is spooky.
(, Tue 28 Oct 2003, 13:53, archived)
# 'Tis the Flowers
I reckon the flowers had sampled some of Amy's DNA and produced a clone that lived in the cellar of the house. But due to cloning being in its infancy 'clone' Amy melted - that's why you never saw her again....
(, Mon 3 Nov 2003, 15:16, archived)