I once got a job in an estate agents, as their 'technical supervisor'. The only way to understand how this place functioned is to imagine a locked cage full of wild rabid monkeys, everyone of them fought, lied stabbed each other in the back stole cleints, guzumped the nicest people you could hope to meet just to get their commission up by 100 pounds, (there making over 500 quid a sale anyway)fuck! they were pulling in 6 house sales a week plus wages, so there was no need for it, they advertised places to rent that didnt exist or they didnt have the rental agreements to, told buyers there houses were sold when they weren't ignored the tenents of the places they were managing, ran almost illegal comunal housing schemes for asylum seekers like 20 to a 2 bedroom semi kind of thing no wate rno heating. All the time the competitions trying to ponce their customers, the pikeys were trying to steal everything all the time, and to top it off I am the only person left in the shop, everyone else was hiding from the hell they had created. So I had do deal with all the abusive customers, akward questions violent landlords, one time one of them smashed a monitor and took out the front door with the remains. fuck. Irate phone calls ('i rang 10 times before why dont you ring back?' sorry sir all our agents are busy at the present 'thats what you said last time you fuck') the guy who owned it was more interested in his fish than the running of the place and to top it all of if anything went wrong with any of the equipment it was my fault i.e. if one of them decided to kick the computer and it broke that was my fault, if they removed the flash card from the digicam then used it for 2 days without noticing. that was my fault. EVERYTHING WAS MY FAULT!!! sorry the stress is flooding back.... It was a pure tide of human misery, destitution, prostitution, imorality, illegality, constantly seeing a perpetual stream of honest likable, decent human beings being treated like dirt you wouldnt want on your carpet is the worst thing you can imagine. Iwould rather dig out latrines than go back there.
So i decided that after 3 months (it paid well (but not well enough)) enough was enough. copyed the database of clients that i had developed for them, wrote a query that randomly deleted 50% of there contacts then a macro that ran and deleted that query and itself, took a copy home, because i had met some really nice people from working there and wanted to keep in contact. Then I left them to sink in there own quagmire.
The End
Yes there are speelling mistakes I dont care right now.
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Tue 11 Nov 2003, 1:47,
So i decided that after 3 months (it paid well (but not well enough)) enough was enough. copyed the database of clients that i had developed for them, wrote a query that randomly deleted 50% of there contacts then a macro that ran and deleted that query and itself, took a copy home, because i had met some really nice people from working there and wanted to keep in contact. Then I left them to sink in there own quagmire.
The End
Yes there are speelling mistakes I dont care right now.

Good for you Just Skojar! I think I'd have deleted the whole stinking database and left the soulless ammoral vermin to the wolves.
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Tue 11 Nov 2003, 11:29,

Everybody learn from this experience, nobody needs to use an estate agent.
Its a complete waste of time and money.
Advertise it yourself, then when the local agents agents phone you up and offer their "services" you can invite them round. And smash them in the teeth with a big lump of wood. And kill them. Then bury them in garden. No - one will miss them.
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Wed 12 Nov 2003, 11:38,
Its a complete waste of time and money.
Advertise it yourself, then when the local agents agents phone you up and offer their "services" you can invite them round. And smash them in the teeth with a big lump of wood. And kill them. Then bury them in garden. No - one will miss them.

Sell privately. Get a mortgage and a solicitor yourself. Then advertise privately....
tried to sell a flat through an estate agent, they sent tonnes of Pikeys around who were expecting the local coincil to give them all free windows and such, then wait for months for the bastards to sort out new buyers just after the others cancelled.
In the end "insisted" that they took the place off the market and take down their "Sold" sign, (which they never did, even to the point where they put up a second and third sign after hacking down the old ones....) Their maintainance "Company" kept coming round even after we'd not dealt with the agents for 6 months....
Sold to some friends, saved them and ourselves a few grand in the process...
Never use an estate agent. Bunch of money grabbing fuckwits that they are. There's simply no need....
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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 12:44,
tried to sell a flat through an estate agent, they sent tonnes of Pikeys around who were expecting the local coincil to give them all free windows and such, then wait for months for the bastards to sort out new buyers just after the others cancelled.
In the end "insisted" that they took the place off the market and take down their "Sold" sign, (which they never did, even to the point where they put up a second and third sign after hacking down the old ones....) Their maintainance "Company" kept coming round even after we'd not dealt with the agents for 6 months....
Sold to some friends, saved them and ourselves a few grand in the process...
Never use an estate agent. Bunch of money grabbing fuckwits that they are. There's simply no need....