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# my worst job
was working in a club doing the standard minimum wage, shit hours barmonkey and cleaning up stuff.

Now for those of you who know the place will appreciate that there's a stairway down from the main hall to the basement bar which is really dark and pretty quiet. As a result of this couples hide in there and do things that couples probably ought not be doing in a public place. There's also a fire escape at the bottom which is used as a staff cutthrough.

Now imagine the scene: a couple getting frisky leaning against the fire escape and sooner or later she starts to give him a handjob. At this point a poor, underpaid barmonkey is walking through the corridor behind the door. He grabs the handle, opens the door and there's a thud.

Looking down what do I see? a bloke lying face-up across my feet with his old chap out and his girlfriend fallen on his legs.

THAT was a pretty bizarre night...
(, Tue 11 Nov 2003, 3:06, archived)