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# Racist Drunk Boss
I worked for a drunk, racist, homophobic landlord/restaurateur in Somerset in 1991 it paid well 3.00 per hour as a kitchen slave. This guy was a bastard when he was drunk (90% of the time). His wife was a fucking angel and god knows why she stayed. Tony (his real name) would have screaming tantrums at you in front of customers spend most of his time getting drunk and being very aggressive. But best of all he used to abuse customers, he would randomly decide that someone was a gypo/crusty/homo/lezzer/sponger/student (his language not mine) and abuse them whilst they ate in his pub until they either left or he threw them out. Final straw arriving at work one day found him drunk with an un-treated broken ankle, wife had left, all other staff had left. In his foul drunken mood he did his usual of deciding that a couple of women in the bar were 'lezzers' and set about insulting them and me trouble is they were friends of my parents and lovely people, so I turned up the deep fat fryers (3 of them) to full whack and left the unmanned kitchen by the back door.

Bastard hope he died of cirrhosis. What a prime cunt, worst quote “South Africa was a lovely place till the nig nogs got hold of it”
(, Tue 11 Nov 2003, 14:36, archived)
# Another job (as I sit pretending to do my existing one)
I temped for one week in a electronics factory in Bedford, putting coloured wires into connectors - I got 'let go' for acting human (talking,laughing, telling jokes,talking about music) the joke was I was the best damn 'putting-wire-into-slots-really-quickly' monkey they had, its just that the fat ginge dwarf woman loathed my humanity and my desire to educate my fellow workers about being treated like slot-monkeys.
(, Tue 11 Nov 2003, 15:10, archived)