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# Me and my mate Aled (sound bloke)
used to live on the sixth floor of a block of student flats in Liverpool.

Each floor was made up of eight flats, four on each side. On our floor we also had a shower on each side, a toilet on each side and a kitchen. Our side was relatively normal. Just a couple of girls who played Beatles tracks at 2am.

On the otherside was a Scotsman who played some odd hip-hop at all hours, a fella who frequently had his way with his girlfriend... Very loudly... against the door... which backed onto the lift. Oh they also had shared showers on our side.. Which happened to be across from my room.

The last two where priceless... A couple who where perfectly friendly but had two minor flaws.

The woman used to cook in the kitchen and leave the most disgusting mess possible. Mouldy green tomatos where frequently seen crawling across the work tops.

The money winner was the bloke... He used to save up his... ummm... motions... and then walk straight past the toilet on his side... (literally outside of his door!!!) Then use the toilet on our side, just outside Aled's room... The resulting dump smell would last well into the following week!
(, Mon 17 Nov 2003, 17:18, archived)