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Mon 17 Nov 2003, 17:26,

I lived with a psycho once... utter nutter. In fact, I think he was 'care in the community', but being 19 and shallow, we managed to see past that, and hated him thoroughly. I don't know if it was cracking onto a flatmate on his first night, smelling like rotten coffee, smashing his computer against my wall, or the trail of grease he left all over the appliances (seriously), but eventually we had to get him back. So my top 3:
- 'Wee Mayonaise'
- 'Toilet Spaghetti'
- The time we locked him out of his room during a house party, and he went mental so we called the Police and said he probably had a weapon... 2 vans full of police heavies turned up 5 minutes later, and he wee'd himself.
...Actually, that's probably not funny at all. Just really evil. Whoops.
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Mon 24 Nov 2003, 13:35,
- 'Wee Mayonaise'
- 'Toilet Spaghetti'
- The time we locked him out of his room during a house party, and he went mental so we called the Police and said he probably had a weapon... 2 vans full of police heavies turned up 5 minutes later, and he wee'd himself.
...Actually, that's probably not funny at all. Just really evil. Whoops.