Was Lactose intollerant, but insisted in drinking at least 2 pints of milk a day, so woke up coughing and hawking loud enough to wake us... he'd then deposit his phlegm down the tiles and in the bath whilst he showered (occasionally), and as he was so hairy he would shed profusely all over the bathroom and it would stick to his bogey cough-ups... he skipped months paying rent, and brought his HUGE girlfriend home at weekends who squeled like a pig... his post coitus activities involved a long low groan followed by more hacking and snorting.
He left dishes for weeks with mouldy food in, blatently ate our food then denied it, managed to give three women at once(somehow) a dose, then finally did a runner to live with his bloater girlfriend in London, who realising he didnt have a job up there said no.
He withdrew his notice and now resides with his mum again sharing a room with his brother.
He's 28.
And the other day his bank cancelled his switch card and his overdraught cos he didnt change his address with them and we returned his new debit card to them with 'not known at his address'.... the overdraught was cancelled 4 days after he got paid and as his salary only just put him the the black again he was skint for a month.
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Tue 18 Nov 2003, 11:10,
He left dishes for weeks with mouldy food in, blatently ate our food then denied it, managed to give three women at once(somehow) a dose, then finally did a runner to live with his bloater girlfriend in London, who realising he didnt have a job up there said no.
He withdrew his notice and now resides with his mum again sharing a room with his brother.
He's 28.
And the other day his bank cancelled his switch card and his overdraught cos he didnt change his address with them and we returned his new debit card to them with 'not known at his address'.... the overdraught was cancelled 4 days after he got paid and as his salary only just put him the the black again he was skint for a month.

slag living with him in Edinburgh. She'd get twatted on Diamond White, pop into town, drag some poor deluded git home and nob him, volume set at 11 until the wee hours. Not too uncommon. It all got a bit too much when she picked up a STD, dragged my mate's girlfriend into the bathroom, dropped her knickers, spread her legs and said "It that normal?". Mate's girlfriend said she had more warts than her grandad and Lemmy put together. Munter.
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Tue 18 Nov 2003, 11:21,