Flatmate #1 had been evicted from his squalid bedsit due to a plague of black flies 'mysteriously' appearing in the kitchen area as it was that unhygenic. He couldn't cook and lived off take-out or the charity of friends. His bedroom floor was covered in a mixture of pizza boxes, fag ends, beer cans, half drunk cups of coffee, and clothes. When he ran out of clean clothes he simply bought more. He *seemed* quite trustworthy (despite being gross) but it turned out later he'd been taking money from me and the other guy and not paying any of the bills - hence being able to afford all the clothes.
He also wet the bed, invited a one-legged girl he'd met on the internet round and sat in his pants with her in the living room when his girlfriend was there, and left his genital wart medication in the bathroom.
Flatmate #2 was his South African work colleague, and was a complete bigot. Me being the only female in the flat, he'd scream and shout at me if he had to do any chores, saying 'if my Father could see me now he'd be so ashamed!'. He also used to complement me - 'you look so beautiful... standing by the cooker'. Grrrr.
Oh happy days
3 months after I moved out, I got taken to court for non-payment of council tax as flatmate #1 had filled out the forms with my details!
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Tue 18 Nov 2003, 16:07,
He also wet the bed, invited a one-legged girl he'd met on the internet round and sat in his pants with her in the living room when his girlfriend was there, and left his genital wart medication in the bathroom.
Flatmate #2 was his South African work colleague, and was a complete bigot. Me being the only female in the flat, he'd scream and shout at me if he had to do any chores, saying 'if my Father could see me now he'd be so ashamed!'. He also used to complement me - 'you look so beautiful... standing by the cooker'. Grrrr.
Oh happy days
3 months after I moved out, I got taken to court for non-payment of council tax as flatmate #1 had filled out the forms with my details!