My friend Dave set his housemate on fire at a club. He went through a lot of pain and is now horribly scarred.
When Dave was asked to justify his actions, all he said was 'For fun.'
To apologise, Dave bought him a replica of the lighter he'd used to burn his friend with his initials engraved onto it.
He's actually a really nice guy.
Back in the day of Halls, one of the boys put 'It's a Small World' on full blast, locked his door and left for a day of lectures.
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Wed 19 Nov 2003, 23:22,
When Dave was asked to justify his actions, all he said was 'For fun.'
To apologise, Dave bought him a replica of the lighter he'd used to burn his friend with his initials engraved onto it.
He's actually a really nice guy.
Back in the day of Halls, one of the boys put 'It's a Small World' on full blast, locked his door and left for a day of lectures.

While at art school, a friend across the hall had the dubioius pleasure of sharing a room with this guy named Dave. He was VERY weird. The frequency of his face tics should have been some indication. His roommate grew frightened of him and moved out, at higher expense. Dave would often trip over objects that simply were not there, flat on his face, sometimes causing serious injury to himself. His depredations were numerous, so I will keep this short. Once the cleaning girl found out that only one person was now in Dave's room, she started leaving one set of towels and cloths, instead of two. I was in the corridor when she ran out of the room, screaming her head off. I headed into the room to see Dave, in his stained underwear, brandishing about a large knife and shouting that he was going to kill the bitch for cheating him of his towels. I put an end to his rampage, but this being prior to my military days, I didn't react as well as I could have and ended up with eighteen stitches and a tetanus booster. What a bastard.
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Wed 19 Nov 2003, 23:52,

FOAF;i let him kip in my spare room 'for a few weeks'.....turned into a few months,no surprise there.filthiest creature i've ever seen.he worked in a mexican restaurant and came home every night smelling of deep-fried fat when he didn't stumble home smelling of cheap beer.left used condoms lying around.the cat pissed on his mattress...and he didn't chuck it out!i never knew him to wash the 2 pairs of pants/socks and 3 shirts he owned;i'm not sure if he even owned any undergarments.he'd sit up late at night,playing video games and drinking,which is fine on weekends,but not at 4 am on a weekday.used to get in fights for the hell of it.i kicked him out when i found out he'd taken to smoking crack;after that,he began stalking my then-future husband's housemate.she'd pass out drunk,blaring dreadful,screamy hardcore music and would naturally have locked the door prior to blacking out in a pool of her own vomit. in her favour,however,she was a great cook and very pleasant when sober. the only great thing about matt the twunt was the morning we woke up to find him unconcious on the floor,surrounded by empty beer cans.....with a half-full beer balanced perfectly on his drowsing chest.it stayed there until he came to some time later. he wasn't as bad as a girl a mate of mine roomed with at uni.aside from being a little creepy,we suspected she had a drug problem.suspicions were confirmed when my mate went off on holiday and came back to find that creepy girl had sold *everything* in the house and skipped out,leaving the empty flat littered with drug paraphenalia.the police did manage to track her down.
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Thu 20 Nov 2003, 1:34,