it's a bad idea to read this thread whilst simultaneously drinking brandy and washing your hair. It's right put me off it.
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Thu 20 Nov 2003, 17:10,

an ex-boyfriend of mine claimed to do the same thing, only at parties when he decided that he didn't like the hosts. he was my roommate for a while since we lived together briefly, and would compulsively smell his finger after sticking it in his anus. i'm pretty sure he was full of crap on the urination in enemies' personal hygeine products, but he was still a real psychopath, that one...
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Thu 20 Nov 2003, 20:28,

maybe this makes ME the housemate from hell, I don't know...
I used to share with a couple of people, whose names are withheld, and you'll see why: a girl, and a foreign student fella, both of whom were 90% ok. (apart from the fella leaving the house overnight when I asked him for the £400 in council tax he owed me... another story.)
The girl decided that she'd quite like to move her new boyfriend in with us, into what was already a crowded house, and let him pay no rent, Council tax or share of bills, as he was having a spot of financial trouble.
He was, (un)fortunately, also a fastidiously clean gentleman, who would occupy the bathroom for upwards of 40 minutes each morning, preventing me from showering, brushing teeth, using the loo.
For 3 months I was late for work on account of this, unless I woke up extra early, and beat the fella to the bathroom. Naturally, I resented having to alter my routine to fit in with that of an uninvited guest. So....
I would ask him, whilst he was running his bath, if he'd mind stepping out of the bathroom so I could pee and clean teeth. Being a decent fella, he obliged. I would clean my teeth, and as a thank you note, pee in his oh-so-precious bath water.
Apparently it's rather good for the skin, but it ain't Calvin Klein bubble bath!
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Fri 21 Nov 2003, 10:07,
I used to share with a couple of people, whose names are withheld, and you'll see why: a girl, and a foreign student fella, both of whom were 90% ok. (apart from the fella leaving the house overnight when I asked him for the £400 in council tax he owed me... another story.)
The girl decided that she'd quite like to move her new boyfriend in with us, into what was already a crowded house, and let him pay no rent, Council tax or share of bills, as he was having a spot of financial trouble.
He was, (un)fortunately, also a fastidiously clean gentleman, who would occupy the bathroom for upwards of 40 minutes each morning, preventing me from showering, brushing teeth, using the loo.
For 3 months I was late for work on account of this, unless I woke up extra early, and beat the fella to the bathroom. Naturally, I resented having to alter my routine to fit in with that of an uninvited guest. So....
I would ask him, whilst he was running his bath, if he'd mind stepping out of the bathroom so I could pee and clean teeth. Being a decent fella, he obliged. I would clean my teeth, and as a thank you note, pee in his oh-so-precious bath water.
Apparently it's rather good for the skin, but it ain't Calvin Klein bubble bath!