In my current flat the Chinese couple upstairs are pleasant, courteous & tidy but our shared fridge is not for the faint-hearted.
They seem particularly fond of snails and what look like baby squid, it's like staring into the very bowels of Cthulu in there!
And when they cook, Sweet Jesus! The stench is just awful and all-pervading! GAH! I just have to go down the pub!
There is a dark-side to Chinese cookery that you'll not find in any restaurant or take-away.
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Thu 20 Nov 2003, 20:57,
They seem particularly fond of snails and what look like baby squid, it's like staring into the very bowels of Cthulu in there!
And when they cook, Sweet Jesus! The stench is just awful and all-pervading! GAH! I just have to go down the pub!
There is a dark-side to Chinese cookery that you'll not find in any restaurant or take-away.

flat was a purpose built holiday flat originally, so there was no soundproofing whatsoever.
I had a totally fucking insane welsh neighbour downstairs who, even if I just cleared my throat, would be banging on my door. Seriously.
He was out one day, so I was listenting to music quite loudly while I had the chance. I turned it down usually when he got home, but I didn't notice him get back. Suddenly, I hear Led Zepplin and ridiculous noise levels. He'd decided to play his stereo as loud as it would go. My pictures were shaking on the walls, it was incredible. Suddenly plant and page got a bit gurgly and distorted as teh zeppelin blew up his speakers. He must have heard me laughing at that...
One stormy night, about 2am, he decided I was snoring too loudly or something. This was in january, and it was blowing a gale outside. I'm on the second floor, and the top of a christmas tree suddenly appeared outside my window, swinging against the pane. WTF? I think? Mad welsh bloke is outside in his pants, in the rain, banging his the top of his just discarded christmas tree against my window. I took a photo of him, and he ran off when he saw the flash. Again he must have heard me laughing, but annoyingly the photo just showed hte flash bouncing off the window.
My 60 year old dad actually got into a full on fight with him. And won. My dad used to be a prison officer on the riot squad, and could (and still can) take on the most psychotic lunatic. An overweight welshman was a little subdued after that, but he still threatened to drive his mitsubishi pajero through my front door if I didn't be quiet. Kind of fitting Pajero means 'happy baby orangutan' in spanish, though he didn't seem to believe me when I pointed that out to him when he bought it.
Bastard, that's over a year ago now and I live somewhere else and I still wince if I drop something on the floor. cranberry cock he was.
edit - Pajero doesn't really mean 'happy baby orangutan', thats the filter (duh), but it would be even funnier if it did.
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Thu 20 Nov 2003, 21:38,
I had a totally fucking insane welsh neighbour downstairs who, even if I just cleared my throat, would be banging on my door. Seriously.
He was out one day, so I was listenting to music quite loudly while I had the chance. I turned it down usually when he got home, but I didn't notice him get back. Suddenly, I hear Led Zepplin and ridiculous noise levels. He'd decided to play his stereo as loud as it would go. My pictures were shaking on the walls, it was incredible. Suddenly plant and page got a bit gurgly and distorted as teh zeppelin blew up his speakers. He must have heard me laughing at that...
One stormy night, about 2am, he decided I was snoring too loudly or something. This was in january, and it was blowing a gale outside. I'm on the second floor, and the top of a christmas tree suddenly appeared outside my window, swinging against the pane. WTF? I think? Mad welsh bloke is outside in his pants, in the rain, banging his the top of his just discarded christmas tree against my window. I took a photo of him, and he ran off when he saw the flash. Again he must have heard me laughing, but annoyingly the photo just showed hte flash bouncing off the window.
My 60 year old dad actually got into a full on fight with him. And won. My dad used to be a prison officer on the riot squad, and could (and still can) take on the most psychotic lunatic. An overweight welshman was a little subdued after that, but he still threatened to drive his mitsubishi pajero through my front door if I didn't be quiet. Kind of fitting Pajero means 'happy baby orangutan' in spanish, though he didn't seem to believe me when I pointed that out to him when he bought it.
Bastard, that's over a year ago now and I live somewhere else and I still wince if I drop something on the floor. cranberry cock he was.
edit - Pajero doesn't really mean 'happy baby orangutan', thats the filter (duh), but it would be even funnier if it did.

I've finally found out that happy baby orangutang means W.A.N.K.E.R. I've trying to work that one out for days!!!
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Fri 21 Nov 2003, 0:28,

Actually, my last one sounds like a mere quibble compared to everyone elses entries. I DO have loads of ex-housemate tales, but then I was living in a watermeloning squat full of fluffy heads at the time so I don't s'pose they count. Once had a landlord who used to burst into my room at about 2.30am (after he'd been to the pub) and sit on my chair & skin up, normally whilst me & my girlfriend were shagging. Then remember nothing about it in the morning. Soon put paid to that with a cheap bolt on the inside of the door.
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Thu 20 Nov 2003, 23:59,