...during my freshers week i came home arseholed, and promptly fell asleep, only to wake an hour later needing a slash.
i couldnt find the door
i didnt want to piss in the sink
i couldnt open the window to piss out of it
so i pissed in my german army boot (fashionable back in 1993).
it was only the next day when i woke up and saw the cracked window frame, and the piss that had leaked out of my boot all over the papers on the desk that i realised just what id done. however, it was my roomates face, looking over the covers from his bed not five feet from my own bed that really brought it home. it was his desk, and his boot.
we started speaking again after about a month, but by this stage he was secretly stealing girls undies from the laundry and wanking loudly over them in the early hours. he was also a nazi watermelon and vocal about it, so we had the anti nazi league kicking our door in regularly. he left to join the army. best place for him.

OT but a friend of mine once came home really, really pissed and crashed out only to realise she really, really needed to throw up. Couldn't be bothered crawling to the bathroom, so she threw up in her handbag.
Woke up in the morning thinking "Oh Jesus, what have I done?", gingerly opens her handbag, peers inside and is confronted with... the contents of her handbag. And no vomit.
The younger sister with whom she shared her bedroom, meanwhile, has arrived at school, opened her schoolbag, and been confronted with the congealed semi-fermented contents of her sister's stomach.
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Fri 21 Nov 2003, 12:05,
Woke up in the morning thinking "Oh Jesus, what have I done?", gingerly opens her handbag, peers inside and is confronted with... the contents of her handbag. And no vomit.
The younger sister with whom she shared her bedroom, meanwhile, has arrived at school, opened her schoolbag, and been confronted with the congealed semi-fermented contents of her sister's stomach.