Nowt wrong with vector images.
Now they really grape my squildo. I have always had a thing for their smooth, mathematical, sexy curviness; to the point where I hunted down Jim, Keeper of the Strawberry Dragon and demanded a tutorial, lest I touch him inappropriately*
*may be slightly inaccurate.
edit: First time I've used small text and I'm excited in a way a 19 year old really ought not to be.
( ,
Sat 27 Mar 2004, 1:42,
*may be slightly inaccurate.
edit: First time I've used small text and I'm excited in a way a 19 year old really ought not to be.
that sounds disturbingly awesome.
mine aren't particularly good, i do all my good stuff in pen and ink, but such as they are...
edit: i love small text. that and putting phrases in asterisks to indicate action.
( ,
Sat 27 Mar 2004, 1:45,
edit: i love small text. that and putting phrases in asterisks to indicate action.