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Coffee/monitor... bugger! But, does anyone know what he said??
Andre_66 ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:12,
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he said..
(not on UK TV but to the rest of the world watching) "marsel desire is a fucking lazy niger" (his mic was still turned on even though the cameras went back to the studio) harsh, so he resigned that night. AND WORE THAT TEE THIS MORNING :)
Davebloke ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:14,
archived )
spazz back to around 10am this morning,
I saw linkage then. edit: no neeeed!
Kamikaze Stoat £4.09 ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:14,
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I always said he was a cunt
isaac ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:15,
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I agree
F**cing lazy C*nt!
Andre_66 ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:16,
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said "he is what is know in some circles as a f*cking lazy big n*igger" yuk - racial swearwords really are awful, far worse than cunt, for example
Nathalie Imbruglia's Cellist's Cello ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:14,
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much much worse than cunt
Davebloke ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:15,
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Gype ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:16,
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I have never been offended by the word cunt
I dont know why its such a big deal
Giant bunny jumping out like a large happy tourettes rabbit ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:18,
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I find
most women hate the word cunt. Stupid cunts.
Gype ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:19,
archived )
they also hate words like..
moist, minge, and flange... thats why i call my cunts cunt a tacco
Davebloke ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:20,
archived )
Its all
In the delivery..
Andre_66 ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:20,
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fucking lazy *insert naughty word for afro-caribian gentleman*
hint, it begins with N
mostly harmless John Leslie raped me on ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:15,
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LOL, on the news they are saying "he said the N word"
Davebloke ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:16,
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i'd love to hear Sir Trevor McDonald read this news story
i wonder if he would say the 'N' word
mostly harmless John Leslie raped me on ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:19,
archived )
He read it last night,
but didn't quote it.. :(
Kamikaze Stoat £4.09 ,
Thu 22 Apr 2004, 12:21,
archived )
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