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that looks fuckin cool.
PMGT -Bacon. ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:41,
archived )
I'm still waiting for
mine. I love Native-Instruments gear.
Smudger ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:42,
archived )
id love to be able to afford a mass home studio setup
the minute i start earning some serious cash, im gonna get meself set up...
PMGT -Bacon. ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:43,
archived )
I flog PC based solutions for musicians.
I may be able to help when you're ready.
Smudger ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:45,
archived )
yeah man
wont be for a good while yet though... All my money goes on rent, food and guitar strings...
PMGT -Bacon. ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:49,
archived )
*jacks convo again*
*bookmarks profile* :)
applehead herp derp ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:49,
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Please try MSN or
e-mail. :)
Smudger ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:52,
archived )
will do!
i'm sure it were you who said i should contact your good self about a virus c. but as with PMGT it's all about the money :(
applehead herp derp ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:54,
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I was in the same situation re. money but
if I cn help then I shall.
Smudger ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:56,
archived )
that's very kind of you
although i'll have to scrimp and save and work every hour under the sun over the summer to get my finances to a respectable state. the pains of being a student!
applehead herp derp ,
Thu 17 Jun 2004, 23:58,
archived )
Get some ideas in a 'wish list' format and e-mail me
small, medium and large prospects. I trade in new and used hardware and software (legit)and bargains turn up.
Smudger ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:00,
archived )
shall do!
thanks :)
applehead herp derp ,
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 0:02,
archived )
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