but no tattyshop
opressive proxy server, IT nazis amd so on.
Other than b3ta and 4thur, all I use it for is processing data.
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:23,
our proxy and firewall
are so difficult to get through.
It's part of the x government secure intranet which is encrypted which means although we should have really REALLY fast internet it feels like its on a 56k modem
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:26,
me off
got to work now before uncle tony gets upset.
bye b3ta
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:30,
we have a 12GBbps leasline
faster than a speeding lightening bolt.
but the proxy slows everything down as it filters it through the 286 processor and up the crappy ethernet.....
and the security on the system still sucks.....(ask Evil Lu!)
Fri 18 Jun 2004, 8:33,