We recorded it on a headset microphone...
So the quality leaves a lot to be desired.
But yeah, woo for Sabbath variations!
Fri 16 Jul 2004, 21:04,
flash quallity
always leaves a lot to be desired if you get the file size down but its still good and metals meant to have distortion
Vultan the real one I threw my little yellow shoe,
Fri 16 Jul 2004, 21:07,
It didnt appear to have lost any quality from the actual mp3 file.
Also, we imported it at best quality flash allows (160kbps), so im not sure.
Fri 16 Jul 2004, 21:09,
right its good
I've said its good
for a school project its fucking ace now lets leave it at that before people think I'm grooming you
Vultan the real one I threw my little yellow shoe,
Fri 16 Jul 2004, 21:11,